5 Incredible Hair Care Tips and Solutions for Hijabis

Plenty of women suffer from bad hair conditions and especially those who wear Hijabs. However, covering their heads saves hair from multiple dust and many bad particles in the air - still hair problems are one of the top problems faced by any Hijab women.

Women that wear Hijab regularly often misunderstand that it is okay to skip having a good hair care regimen as their tresses are not exposed to dust or pollution. However, it’s the opposite, the hair wrapped in a Hijab for most part of the day, and over time the hair tends to start losing its moisture and texture as well!

Let’s take a look at some of the top tips for fashionable Hijab women on protecting hair!


Hair Care Tips For Hijabis

Do not skip the shampoo

Pay close attention to your regular hair washing routine, also followed by a hair cleaning regimen, even if you need to tie your hair in a Hijab after a few hours. It’s easier to skip your hair day if you have a Hijab to wrap, but that’s where you go wrong. The scalp is a sensitive area and can get fussy and itchy over time, and that should be enough reason to clean it all the time.

Hijab comes with a lot of swearing, especially in the humid and hot environment. Clean and wash your hair often to keep your scalp clean and free from any infections.

Often go for hair trims

Trimming down hair regularly helps to maintain the health, texture, volume as well your Hijabi hair! Do not skip getting a haircut any longer than six months. We all know that women absolutely love lustrous and long hair like no other. So trims are one of the best ways to maintain the desired health and texture.

Regular and multiple trims every while helps to get rid of the split ends, something that easily starts to damage the hair and gets worse if they are not taken care of at the right time.

Give your hair a room to breathe

If you are an all-day Hijabis, chances are that your hair is tightly wrapped in a bun, allowing less time for them to breathe. The first step is proper hair care to ensure that you let your hair breathe every few hours a day. You can let down your hair, brush them up and let it be for a few hours every day.

The best time to let your hair breathe is when you finally go to bed. You can tie it up in a loose braid or a pony and let it soak naturally before you have to wrap them up again the following day.

Air Dry Hair before wearing a Hijab

You must make sure that you are drying down your hair properly before you plan to wear your Hijab. If your wet hair remains tied securely and placed under the Hijab all the time, it will increase the proximity of hair damage like no other. Whenever tied, wet hair tends to bring up the natural oil and takes an easy toll on the roots.

Moreover, wet hair under the Hijab is quite troublesome and will also appear as lifeless, dull and quite limp. Whenever tied with a cloth, wet hair will simply leave you feeling itchy and may even leave quite an unpleasant odor too.